Triton’s team of terrestrial biologists are industry leaders with the expertise and knowledge required to support projects throughout the permitting process.
Triton’s biologists work closely with Federal, Provincial, and Indigenous communities and stakeholders when conducting terrestrial assessments. Our expertise in wildlife and vegetation assessments includes renewable energy and other major resource development projects throughout western Canada. Triton’s experience includes developing and implementing study programs in accordance with regulatory requirements, including those set out by the Canadian Wildlife Service and provincial ministries of environment. Our services include:
Ecosystem inventories (Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping – TEM)
Rare plant and community inventories and assessment
Species of concern (COSEWIC and SARA)
Avian inventories involving count surveys, brood surveys, call playback, breeding birds, and pre-clearing nest searches
Amphibian surveys and salvages
Ungulate and furbearers inventories including browse and pellet counts, and transect and winter snow-tracking surveys