A key element of environmental management and protection planning is compliance monitoring and construction supervision.
Compliance monitoring is an essential, long-term commitment that documents compliance with permitting goals and ensures that environmental measures, controls, and specifications are properly implemented. Instances of non-compliance can be costly and delay project schedules. Triton interacts with project owners, supervisors, and construction personnel to inform and educate them regarding environmental requirements and sensitivities prior to and during construction. If an unexpected event occurs, the compliance monitor is the first line of defence, particularly where mitigating actions may prevent or reduce penalty charges. Our services include:​
Environmental management systems and environmental certification auditing
Experienced environmental leads for construction projects ranging from large industrial projects to small watercourse crossings in mountainous, coastal, and prairie environments
Liaison services with regulatory agencies to accommodate changes in project scope during construction to ensure construction continues without delay
Agency approved independent environmental and compliance auditors
Experienced team members willing to work with owners and contractors to provide on-site training and orientations to supervisors and construction staff
Environmental incident investigations, effects monitoring, and regulatory reporting